Windy City Harvest


Water + Fish + Plants

Join the movement to grow sustainable food in an aquaponics system.

Aquaponics is an ancient farming technique in the middle of a modern remake. This ecologically efficient system uses water, fish, and plants to maximize growing space, water, and fertilization. Learn from experienced aquaponics professionals how to set up and maintain a flourishing aquaponics operation firsthand at the Farm on Ogden, a state-of-the-art facility in Chicago. Take an in-depth look at system design, function, construction, and fabrication methods specific to aquaponics at your home, farm, or school. These hands-on courses are designed for diverse audiences, including professional growers, entrepreneurs, teachers, and students.

Aquaponics Program Options

Aquaponics Courses

One-Day Workshops

Participants experience the fundamental principles of aquaponics production, as well as tips and tricks for building an at-home or small-scale aquaponics system.

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Aquaponics Courses

Three-Day Intensives

Seriously considering or already in the process of aquaponics food production? This course takes a comprehensive look at the design, build-out, and maintenance of a system.

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Any questions?

Contact: Samantha Creightney
Email: Click here to show mail address