Vanda Jairak Classy

42.14709091, -87.78972626

Jairak Classy Vanda Orchid

The cream-colored blossoms of the beautiful and prized Vanda Jairak Classy orchid are marked with burgundy speckles, more densely on the lower petals. With their flattened petals arranged around a lip with a small spur, the showy, fragrant flowers grow on lateral inflorescences that appear from the axis of the narrow, strappy leaves.

Vanda orchids usually bloom every few months, with long-lasting flowers that are more short-lived if cut. Native to India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, southern China, and northern Australia, the Vanda orchid is the national flower of Singapore. It is recognizable as the flower often used in Hawaiian leis. It was discovered in 1613 by Alvin Semedo, who called it “tiao huan” or “air plant” because of its large aerial roots. In the home, Vandas require warm growing conditions with bright light, high humidity, and good air movement. Because Vandas thrive in temperatures between 60 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, they can be placed outdoors during Midwest summers; during winter, they will thrive and bring color and beauty indoors.

The orchid family consists of a large number of genera, each with its own unique characteristics. A common characteristic, however, is the basic form of the flower, which consists of three petals surrounded by three sepals -- often in dramatic and contrasting colors and in a variety of shapes and sizes. Although some orchids are native to temperate zones, most orchids tend to prefer a semi-tropical or tropical environment (USDA Zones 9-11) and have epiphytic roots -- meaning they derive moisture and nutrients from the air and support from another plant; few orchids grow in soil. Orchids usually prefer a diurnal temperature fluctuation -- meaning warmer days and cooler nights -- though the absolute temperature range (cool, intermediate or warm) varies by genus and is consistent with their natural habitat. While requiring adequate sunlight for a stunning bloom display, most orchids will not tolerate sustained direct sun.

Many varieties have pseudobulbs, a portion of the stem between leaf nodes that stores water to help sustain the plant through dry periods. Other varieties are monopodial, meaning upward growth is from a single growing point.

There is an exception to almost every general statement one can make about orchids. The family continues to challenge taxonomists.

크림색에 진 붉은 점이 있습니다. 반다 오키드는 몇달에 한번씩 꽃이 피는데, 자르지만 않는다면 꽃이 오래갑니다. 인도와 동남아지역이 원산지이고 싱가폴의 국화입니다. 하와이의 화환인 레이를 만들때 자주 쓰입니다. 1613년에 앨빈 세메도에 의해 발견되었습니다. 화씨 60-98도를 필요로 하기 때문에, 중서부 지방에서는 여름에는 실외에 둘수 있지만, 겨울에는 실내에 있어야 합니다.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
January - February
March - April
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 13