Taxus x media 'Fastigiata'

42.14741135, -87.78883362

42.14741898, -87.78884125

42.14742279, -87.78884888

42.14743042, -87.78885651

42.14743805, -87.78885651

42.14744186, -87.78886414

42.14744949, -87.78887177

42.14745712, -87.78887939

42.14746094, -87.78888702

42.14746857, -87.78889465

42.1474762, -87.78889465

42.14752197, -87.7889328

Upright Intermediate Yew

This cultivar can grow to a large shrub when mature (up to 50‘ in height with a 40’ spread). Female plants produce red, fleshy, single-seeded fruit instead of cones (these are poisonous). This is a cross between Japanese yews (T. cuspidata); and English yews (T. baccata). It prefers average, medium moist, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade, but can tolerate a wide range of soils as long as drainage is good. It can also tolerate full shade and considerable pruning

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Full Shade
Landscape Use:
Specimen Plant
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 7