Prunus sargentii

42.14700699, -87.78599548

42.14701843, -87.78598785

42.14714813, -87.79354858

42.14717102, -87.79360199

42.14718628, -87.79354858

42.14721298, -87.79359436

42.1472168, -87.79347992

42.15133667, -87.78844452

Sargent cherry

Sargent cherry has a rounded growth habit and can attain heights of 20' to 30'. Use as a specimen plant for the garden. Pink, five-petaled flowers cover this cherry in early spring. Fruits are purplish-black and mature in midsummer. The shiny dark-green foliage turns bronze or red in fall. Glossy reddish-brown bark and pink flowers highlight this ornamental tree. One of the hardiest ornamental cherry trees with glossy bark.

산벗나무는 표본형 화초로 정원에서 키웁니다. 꽃은 분홍색으로 5잎이고, 열매는 흑자색으로 여름 중반에 익습니다. 나뭇잎은 윤기나는 진녹색이고 겨울에 청동색이나 붉은색으로 변합니다. 적갈색 나무 껍질과 대조를 보이는 분홍꽃이 이 나무를 관상용으로 적합하게 합니다.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
March - April
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Urban Street
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 8