Lupinus texensis

42.14725113, -87.78881073

Texas Bluebonnet

Lupinus texensis, or Texas bluebonnet, carpets parts of the Southwest in early spring if rains have been sufficient to keep the seedlings alive over the winter. Bluebonnets germinate in the fall and overwinter as a pair of cotyledons (seed leaves). The seeds are very long-lived in the soil seed bank. The very thick seed coats are diminished by fire, resulting in a large number of bluebonnets appearing after wildfires.

The genus name is derived from the Latin lupus(wolf), referring to the mistaken belief that as plants spread into an area, they depleted the soil nutrients. In fact, this plant and many other members of the pea family (Fabaceae) have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and they leave the soil richer when they die. The leaves and flowers of bluebonnets are a favorite food for wildlife and livestock.

루핀이라고도 하고 루피너스라고도 합니다. 텍사스주의 주화이고 미국 남서부지역에서 초봄에 야생으로r핍니다. 1년초이고 씨앗이 가을에 나서 겨울 동안 떡잎을 피웁니다. 학명인 루핀은 늑대라는 뜻인데 이 식물이 토질을 황폐시킨다는 오해에서 비롯되었습니다. 사실은 콩과인 루핀이나 다른 식물들은 질소 고정 세균과 공생관계를 가지고 있어서 식물이 죽으면서 토양을 더 윤택하게 합니다. 또 이 식물을 꽃과 잎은 야생동물들과 가축들이 좋아하는 식량도 제공합니다.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
May - June
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
7 - 8