Lilium 'Orange Cocotte'

42.14812088, -87.79284668

Asiatic Upfacing Lily

'Orange Cocotte' is classified as an Asiatic lily. It grows strongly upright to 3 feet and is topped by very showy panicles of up-facing cantaloupe-orange flowers with six petals each. An interesting note about this cultivar is that the snowy white stamens are sterile—not producing any of the yellow pollen that often spots the flowers of other varieties. It grows best in full sun but will take partial shade. In the garden, it should be planted in groups for the best effect. It does well as a cut flower. It is not noted for being fragrant. When plants produce new growth in the spring, the tender leaves may be munched by rabbits, so protection, such as a chicken-wire fence or repellents, may help.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
May - June
July - August
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 10