Achillea 'Feuerland'

42.14294815, -87.78515625

42.1467514, -87.79180145

42.14675522, -87.79180145

42.14675903, -87.79180145

42.14675903, -87.79172516

42.14676666, -87.79169464

42.14677048, -87.79174042

42.14677429, -87.79171753

42.14677811, -87.7917099

42.14718628, -87.78897858

42.14719772, -87.78898621

Fireland Yarrow

‘Feuerland’ is a cherry red cultivar with yellow centers. It opens bright red and slowly ages to burnt orange and yellow. It is derived from the popular Achillea millefolium with a long blooming season from May through August. It is a staple of the sunny perennial garden, usually planted in beds and borders where its cheerful color lights up the area. Its leaves are finely divided and fernlike. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds, it is resistant to deer, rabbits, and drought. Its 2-foot height combines well with upright veronicas and coreopsis, and its rough-textured flowers contrast with smooth platycodon in late summer. Let it spread to fill in the border, and divide it in early spring, or better yet, in the fall. Other cultivars from similar crosses are the yellow 'Moonshine', 'Red Velvet', and 'Terra Cotta'. This is a favorite cut flower and is also excellent as a dried flower. The genus name Achillea refers to Achilles, hero of the Trojan Wars in Greek mythology, who used the plant medicinally to stop bleeding and heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
May - June
July - August
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Butterflies
Resistant To Deer
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 9