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Carillon Concert

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022
10:00-11:00 a.m.

Carillon Tower
Wylie Crawford

Wylie Crawford was the first city carillonneur for the Millennium Carillon in Naperville, Illinois, and is currently the senior university carillonneur at the University of Chicago and resident carillonneur for the Chicago Botanic Garden. He is the past president of the World Carillon Federation and recently became the president of the Sarasota Carillon Foundation, Inc. With an undergraduate degree in physics and master’s degree in teaching from the University of Chicago, Crawford is pleased to have initiated the first regular carillon instruction programs at four Chicago-area carillons. Crawford fulfilled the requirements of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America to become a certified carillonneur in 1977. He has given guest recitals in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States.