Expressive Pen & Ink

Botanical Arts Certificate

6 Tuesdays:
July 16 – August 20
9 a.m. – noon


Expressive Pen & Ink

New! The creative possibilities of ink go way beyond the traditional pen and ink as studied in the required coursework for a certificate. You will explore colored ink, washes with ink (either black India ink or new colored ink pens), and mixing media such as ink and watercolor. Brush work will be used, as well as traditional pens, and artists may use paper and drafting film such as Dura-lar, as suits their projects. Experimentation is encouraged. Share techniques used by class members, and learn from demonstrations and commentary by the instructor. Portions of the course may be held outside to gain inspiration from the gardens. Dress for the weather. Prerequisite: Botanical Drawing 1 or comparable experience. A supply list will be sent. The School's CEUs=18 hours
ART elective

Claudia Lane, freelance artist
Design Studio, Regenstein Center

Artwork by Claudia Lane