Q: In the fall, I always have trouble remembering where I need to plant bulbs in my garden, and often find myself planting too close to existing ones. Any suggestions?

A:  Although fall is the right time of year to plant spring-flowering bulbs in the garden, it is difficult to remember where to place them in relation to existing bulbs.  When bulbs begin to emerge throughout spring, take photos of the plants to remind you where to plant additional bulbs.  Taking photos at weekly intervals in the spring beginning in April will be valuable in determining color and height needs, as well as various bloom times.  Also, photos are nice supplements to journal entries.  A garden bed with early flowering Crocus or Helleborus may benefit from planting bulbs that bloom later in the spring such as Tulips, Daffodils, or Camassia.  Taking photos can be especially helpful when trying to determine where to plant additional bulbs in naturalized lawns.