Monthly Gardening Checklist

Rose Care

Rose Care

Begin uncovering roses. Remove mulch and carefully hose away mounded soil. Avoid using sharp tools around base of rosebush. Topdress soil around roses with a 6-2-0, organic, slow-release fertilizer such as Milorganite.

Rose Care

Winter protection of roses is not necessary until late November, when the ground has frozen.

Rose Care

Roses are generally not fertilized after the first week in August, although growers and rosarians interested in maximizing flower displays do continue to apply a dilute fertilizer.

Rose Care

Fertilize roses for the third and final time at the end of the month with a liquid 20-20-20 fertilizer. Do not fertilize after August 1.

Continue to deadhead roses by cutting flowers back to the first set of five leaflets.

Rose Care

One application of fertilizer in the spring is usually sufficient for species roses such as Rosa rugosa and shrub roses. All other roses should be given their second application of a well-balanced fertilizer in mid-June or after their initial bloom period.

Rose Care

Fertilize roses with a liquid 20-20-20 solution when flower buds are set.

Monitor roses for insects and diseases. Check daily for black spot, especially in wet weather. Do not handle rosebushes if foliage is wet and infected. Wait until leaves have dried before removing them and spraying.

Monitor roses for rose slugs (small white caterpillars with black heads) and their damage (tissuelike patches on the leaves).